Sunday, August 5, 2007

This photo was taken in 2006 on my birthday. The handsome young man is my youngest son. He is the only one of my children who lives close by and that I am close with. The other four have long gone their own way and don't associate with us. That happens in some families when there are hard feelings going way back over the years. Yes it hurts at times but time heals almost all wounds in most people. I am happy where I am. This son helped me to move over 800 miles from one end of California to the other end so that I would be near him and his family. I was only able to visit about every two years before I moved here 4 years ago. He and his wife went to the Mojave desert to get me and the two dogs. For a year I lived next door to him until they landlosrd started tearing down the houses to make room for 8 new ones that he was building. My son moved first then I moved a year later within McKinleyville. He went to Blue Lake about 6 miles away.

1 comment:

Nita said...

Marilyn, I like this picture. :)

You mentioned you make stationery. Where do you use it? I know some make it for Incredible mail, but I don't use that. I was just wondering. I bet it's pretty.