Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Tomorrow I go back to work caring for another 93 year old woman who is recovering from a broken hip. I have been rather busy this week, getting things done at home.

I am making a baby quilt in the pastel Ginghams with solid yellow and white between. When it is finished I will post a photo.

Dogs are so funny sometimes. When I say the word walk Happy who is 9, jumps up in the air with all four paws off the floor, then he stands on his hind legs and wags his tail while leaning on me as if he is saying "Oh lets go hurry lets go" please, please lets go".

I am not spending much time on the computer now, I feel like it is a black hole that has sucked me in and I can't get out. I have spent many hours going from CP to SN and checking my email over and over again with some news reading inbetween. I do like to do my PSP Stationery but I have also gone no mail in that group for the time being. So now I am off again, see you next time around.

Y-all take care ya hear.

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