Saturday, August 16, 2008


I will be traveling again this coming Thursday after work, I'm going back up to Oregon. Keith has to work on Friday so I will be baking lots of cookies and a cake for him to have while I am gone, he sure loves his sweet things. I enjoy that drive up the coast so much I keep thinking I will stop and take pictures but I never do even though my camera is right beside me on the seat, I always just want to get to my destination without delay. He will be coming here for the long Labor Day weekend. Don't know yet what we are going to do or if we are going anyplace, may go to Blue Lake and visit my son and his family.
I did some work in the shed this week and donated ALL my fabric to the Women's Ministry for quilts and whatever else they chose to use it for. I did keep some of the more expensive silk fabric from Japan. I will make a nice jacket with that. So now I have 4 big empty plastic tubs for packing blankets and clothes. I still have a lot more sorting, tossing and donating to do. I can put a few things out front with a free sign and they will disappear overnight.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time moves on

Time seems to move on too fast on the weekends that Keith an I spend together. We took the dogs to the dog park and they had so much fun running off leash doing just what dogs do. Happy made some new friends and chased the ball with them them. All 6 dogs were either all Black or Black and White. We washed both cars and its a good thing the sun was out and the day was so nice to be outside sharing the chores. We talked about the coming move from the little house to the big house, there is so much I need to accomplish before then. I have furniture and other things that I need to give away. Other things that I need to start taking to the big house each time I go. I hope to have everything completed and out of this house before cold weather sets in and the fog rolls down the coast, it is so hard to drive in the fog. My kids were informed of the coming move a couple of months ago, I don't know yet whether or not they are OK with it. I told them that it is only a 4 hour drive for me to be here for all birthdays, holidays and special occasions; the same goes for them to visit us, there is plenty of room for them to come and stay for a few days.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I see it has been too long since I have actually "said" anything on this blog. I need to do some updating here.
Bebe has an injured leg that I have been babying for 2 weeks. I think she injured it playing with Storm across the street. She is getting better by the day but is still favoring that leg, she also "clicks" when she walks. Happy is just plain ole Happy, always ready to go for a walk, for 11 years old your would think he was still a pup by the way he jumps around when I say the word walk. Bebe is learning how to get along with the neighborhood cats. She walks off leash and is only curious about looking at the cats and sniffing them. Of course they don't always appreciate her curiosity. I have yet to get Happy to stop chasing the cats. He has to be kept on the leash. This weekend I hope to take them to the local dog park for the first time. We have lived here 5 years and I have not taken them to the park yet. I wasn't sure how they would get along with other dogs but they are no socialized very well.

Tomorrow Keith is coming down from Oregon for the weekend. I am always so happy to see him. I love to spoil him with my cooking and he is so appreciative of everything I do for him. He spoils me too. I can't hardly wait until we can be together forever. Isn't love grand?

We sure haven't had much of a summer here in Northwestern California. It has been spring like weather for months overcast, drizzling fog, cool temperatures not much over 65-70° here on the coast.