Saturday, February 9, 2008

Clutter or Declutter

I have decided that it is time to declutter my house and shed. Where to begin? Wow that is a hard question to answer, I have collected so much "stuff" over the years. For example two huge tubs of fabric for when I eventually will use to make quilts. Ha! will that day ever come. Then there are the papers in my files and packed away in boxes. New pots and pans have replaced the old but the old are still in my cupboards. No sentimental value there just haven't found my "getround tuit" Many blankets and quilts also packed away just in case I might need them. I think some of those could go to the local animal shelter so the dogs and cats will have something nice to sleep on. It has been a tough job to reduce down from a 3 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom very small house with no storage space. I keep going through my clothing and donating that to various thrift shops and rescue missions for the women there.

I seem to spend way too much time on the computer. My computer has become my best friend, my escape into the cyber world of a close family of cyber friends who I have come to know over the years. I enjoy creating Paint Shop Pro stationery, cards and graphics. I haven't posted any of those here. I love taking photos but forget to carry my camera at all times. I used to have it in my purse but I reduced the size of my purse no room for the camera. That's all for my ramblings this morning, I am going out to breakfast with a friend. Until next time God Bless for reading my blog.


Beachkid said...

take care Marilyn ~
I have the same problem and plan to declutter by this summer.

Nita said...

Oh, you and me both. When I get too much clutter in my life, it really impacts me spiritually too. I'll pray for you and your clutter, and you pray for me. ok?

I know God wants us free, free, free.

After my grandaughter and baby move out, I'm going to start seriously.

Blessings, Nita