Friday, August 31, 2007


Here it is 5:50 AM on Friday morning, I am going to to call my friend Willa at 6AM and we will go to Curves to workout. This is something we do 5 days per week. It sure helps make one feel better physically and emotionally. Being fit and healthy is important. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I must do all I can to keep it clean, healthy and in good condition. I do not take any prescription medications so that is a real blessing right there. I used to take three kinds of Asthma meds, Fosamax for my bones, and Niaspan for my Cholesterol. However, I do not need the Asthma meds anymore, God healed me. There are more natural things that will control my Cholesterol. Exercise and Calcium for my bones and joints are doing that job. There are other supplement that I take as well.

I am so blessed to have God's healing power at work in my body. There is nothing impossible for God or if you believe.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

These were taken last year when the Clydesdales visited McKinleyville.

The Clydesdale horses are so beautiful and so proud looking.

I think is is an interesting contrast of the smaller feet of the people and the large hoofs of the Clydesdale horses.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

This photo was taken in 2006 on my birthday. The handsome young man is my youngest son. He is the only one of my children who lives close by and that I am close with. The other four have long gone their own way and don't associate with us. That happens in some families when there are hard feelings going way back over the years. Yes it hurts at times but time heals almost all wounds in most people. I am happy where I am. This son helped me to move over 800 miles from one end of California to the other end so that I would be near him and his family. I was only able to visit about every two years before I moved here 4 years ago. He and his wife went to the Mojave desert to get me and the two dogs. For a year I lived next door to him until they landlosrd started tearing down the houses to make room for 8 new ones that he was building. My son moved first then I moved a year later within McKinleyville. He went to Blue Lake about 6 miles away.